The passion
Ottobre 3, 2013
EN: Hello World, Why we women are complicated? Why isn’t the simplicity inherent in us? or the right question would be… Why isn’t this quality inside in the majority of women? I hope you don’t expect me to try to give an answer …. I’m not Sigmund Freud! You have no idea what I would like to know, why in many…
or the right question would be… Why isn’t this quality inside in the majority of women?
Complicated? Well….. COMPLICATED WILD SWEET PASSIONATE…. I am so! Believe me ….
…bé la domanda giusta sarebbe: perché nella maggioranza delle donne non esiste tale qualità?
La pregunta correcta sería… ¿Por qué la mayoría de las mujeres no tenemos esta caracteristica?
Espero que no piensen que yo soy capaz de dar una respuesta …. No soy Sigmund Freud. Y añado: que afortunada soy a no ser ese hombre
¿Complicada? que vaaa ….. COMPLICADISIMA, SALVAJE, DULCE Y APASIONADA …. Así soy yo! Créanme ….
Location: My house – Photo credits: Mister Big
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