How to style total white outfit with cognac accessories
A total white outfit with cognac accessories (you see Pantone, I’m learning), A beautiful flag of the country where I was born, and a smile to hide how I feel. Here are the “ingredients” that make this outfit. It is assumed that the white color is pure, innocent and that somehow transmit positive energy, but if I were to convey the emotions today, for sure the color would not be that. I like to think about how trend has change over the years and in particular remember that to wear white after September 1 was really “taboo” (especially in the US).
Imagine what they could have said of a total white outfit with cognac accessories…
Sacrilege! “Maybe?, but actually no! I have many memories of unnervingwaiting at the international airports, between one connection and other my mom invented games so I would not get bore (thanks mom). One of these was try to guess ” from what country” were the people who we saw pass. It ‘just in winter (those who read me from NYC knows), the outfits became different and crazy. Total all! Among these I remember a lady furs from head to toe which the predominant color was the WHITE milk. Do not know why (I hate real fur), but she seemed very elegant.
And that’s why I say “thank you” to Barbara Bui and Blumarine who did not forget the women who, like me, still dream of “the princess of snow” (and total white outfit) .

A total white outfit with cognac accessories, a beautiful flag of the country where I was born, and a smile to hide how I feel.
Immaginate cosa potevano dire di un total white con accessori in pelle… Sacrilegio! Forse?, ma in realtà no! Ho moltissimi ricordi di attese snervanti presso aeroporti internazionali tra una connessione e l’altra e dei giochi che mi mamma si inventava per non farmi annoiare (grazie mom). Uno di questi era quello di provare ad indovinare “da quale paese” provenivano le persone che vedevo passare. E’ proprio nel periodo invernale (chi mi legge da NYC lo sa), gli outfit diventavano svariati e pazzeschi. Total tutto! Tra questi ricordo una signora impellicciata dalla testa ai piedi il cui colore predominante era il BIANCO latte. Non so perché (io odio le pellicce vere), ma lei a sembrava elegantissima.
Ed ecco perché dico “grazie” a Barbara Bui e Blumarine che non si sono dimenticate delle donne che, come me, sognano ancora “le principesse della neve”. Español: Un total blanco con accesorios en cuero coñac (ves Pantone, estoy aprendiendo), una hermosa bandera del país en el que nací y una sonrisa para ocultar lo que siento. Estos son los “ingredientes” que forman este look. Se supone que el color blanco es puro, inocente y que de alguna manera transmita energía positiva, pero si fuera yo a transmitir las emociones de hoy, e el color no sería ese. Me gusta pensar en cómo las tendencias cambian con los años y, en particular, recordar que vestir de blanco a partir del 1 de septiembre era realmente “tabú” (sobre todo en los EE.UU.). Imagínense lo que podrían haber dicho de un blanco total, con accesorios de cuero… Sacrilegio! Tal vez?, Pero en realidad no! Tengo muchos recuerdos de esperas nerviosas en los aeropuertos internacionales, entre una conexión y otra y mi mamá que inventaba juegos, para que no me aburriera tanto (gracias mamá). Uno de ellos era tratar de adivinar “de qué país” eran las personas que veia pasar. Sobre todo en invierno (los que me leen desde NYC saben), los atuendos eran super divertidos, diferentes y algo locos. Total de todo! Entre estos recuerdo una señora que vestía de pieles de pies a cabeza y que el color predominante era el blanco como la leche. No sé por qué (yo odio las pieles), pero ella me parecía muy elegante. Y es por eso que digo “gracias” a Barbara Bui y Blumarine que no se olvidan de las mujeres que, como yo, todavía sueñan con “la princesas de la nieves.”
I wear Ray-ban sunnies, Ralph Lauren sweater, Blumarine white denim, Django boots, Lancome nail polish, Redken hairstyle (Total white outfit with cognac accessories)