All Shades of Blue outfit
Today on my Fashion blog I introduce my All Shades of Blue outfit. There is a key to mixing shades of blue in one outfit: As the shades of blue on two garments get closer, their difference in texture should become more noticeable.
Here it is my All Shades of Blue Outfit: Sweater, denim shirt, pants, booties, L’heartelier necklace and vintage bag.
All Shades of Blue outfit
Oggi nel mio Fashion blog, vi presento un All Shades of Blue outfit. C’è una chiave per mescolare le diverse tonalità di blu in un solo outfit: utilizzare sfumature dello stesso colore su capi d’abbigliamento con “texture” differenti.
Ecco la mia proposta All Shades of Blue Outfi: Maglione, camicia in denim, pantaloni, stivaletti, collana e borsa vintage.
All Shades of Blue outfit
Hoy en mi fashion blog les presento un All Shades of Blue outfit. Hay un tip para mezclar diferentes tonos de azul en un mismo atuendo: usar tonos del mismo color en prendas de vestir con “textura” diferente.
Aquí les dejo mi All Shades of Blue outfit: suéter, camisa en denim, pantalones, botines, collar y bolso vintage.
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