Hello World,
I do not know why some times comes to me the crazy idea to get inspiration of the stars for my look.
You know that feeling that gets you when you see an outfit an you want to try it absolutely ???
Here I had the brilliant idea to inspire myself “vaguely” to one of these looks and I was convinced it was gorgeous up to the moment when I saw the pictures and I said, horror !!! But why I do this ????
Today’s tip (tested for you) would be , do not waste your time copying the outfits of the famous, better lose the time in front of your mirror experimenting by yourself (it’s also more fun).
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Ciao Mondo,
Non so perché a volte ho la malsana idea di volermi ispirare a certi look delle dive.
Avete presente quando vedete un outfit al punto di volerlo provare assolutamente???
Ecco io ho avuto la brillante idea di ispirarmi “vagamente” a uno di questi ed ero convinta fosse stupendo fino al momento in cui ho visto le foto e ho detto: orrore!!! Ma perché mi faccio questo????
Quindi il tip di oggi (provato per voi) è non perdete tempo a copiare gli outfit delle famose, perdetelo a sperimentare davanti allo specchio (è anche più divertente).
A domani,
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Hola Mundo,
No sé por qué pero a veces tengo la loca idea de querer inspirarme en ciertos atuendos de las estrellas.
¿Les ha pasado que cuando ven un look que las enamora, lo quieran probar de inmediato?
Pues a mi sí y tuve la brillante idea de inspirarme “vagamente” a uno de estos. Yo estaba totalmente convencida de que estaba preciosa hasta el momento en que vi las fotos y me dije: ¡que horror!!! Pero ¿por qué me hago esto?
Así que el tip de hoy (probado para ustedes) es que no pierdas el tiempo copiando los atuendos de las famosas, más bien pierdelo experimentando ante el espejo (hasta es más divertido).
Hasta mañana,
Inspiration outfit is out for me
Location: Italy – Photo credits: Diego Z.
I wear Roberto della Croce jacket, Mango shirt, Rinascimento pants, No brand boots, Guess by Marciano sunnies, Chanel nail polish (Fall outfit – new look).